At our house, when the Easter decorations go up in March and the baskets get set out with those colorful plastic eggs, the kids are always begging to play “Easter egg hunt”.
Egg hunts are fun, but it can get a little boring doing the same egg hunt day after day. Looking for an easy way to make your Easter egg hunts more creative? Your kids will love a new egg hunt and have more fun with these themes and creative details.
12 Simple & Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
Whether you plan an egg hunt on Easter or are like me and do regular egg hunts with your kids because they love the activity, here are some tips on how to spice up your egg hunt without breaking the bank.
1. Exercise Eggs

Incorporate health and wellness into your Easter egg hunt with exercise eggs. Put a slip of paper in each egg that has a particular exercise activity on it. You can make it as easy or as difficult as you want depending on the age of your participants. Some examples I use are “Do 5 pushups”, “Do 10 situps”, “Do 10 jumping jacks”. Then each time they find an egg they have to do that particular exercise that is in their egg before they can move on and find a different egg. They get a workout and burn energy at the same time!
2. Lego Eggs
Work the creative mind and put a lego or couple of legos in each egg. The legos can all be a part of a set that they have to build at the end, or they have to be creative and build something from the all the random legos at the end. Another option is each time they find an egg, they need to add those specific legos to the lego contraption before they find another egg. Then at the end you can see what everyone collectively built together.
3. Points for Eggs

On slips of paper write a number (1, 2, 3 points) and put a slip of paper in each egg. Then as kids collect eggs, they collect points. At the end see who has the most points. To spice it up have it where they can trade in points for a small prize (like 30 or more points gets this prize, 20 or more this prize, etc.) Work on some math skills and have your kids add the points up to get their total. If the kids are older, have them solve an equation first to get their point number on the slip in the egg.
4. Advantage Eggs
Write on a slip of paper an advantage the participants can use around home or something they will enjoy doing at home. Then as they collect eggs, they will be excited about these bonuses inside each egg. Here are some examples of advantages:
- Extra fifteen minutes before bedtime
- Get out of making your bed pass
- Extra fifteen minutes of screen time
- Get out of doing the dishes pass
- Do something special 1 on 1 with mom or dad
- Get to pick the restaurant we eat at next week
5. Puzzle Eggs

Another fun yet simple Easter egg hunt idea is to put a small puzzle piece(s) in each egg. Then at the end of the hunt, the kids have to work as a group to put the puzzle together to see what picture it creates. Have the kids guess ahead what they think the puzzle picture will be.
6. Specific Color Eggs
A fun way to individualize an egg hunt especially if you have a wide range of ages is to give each participant a specific egg color to look for. Then as you hide the eggs, think about the who has each color and think about the difficulty as you hide them. Older kids like to look more and know how to look vs. younger kids don’t look long or in hard spots. Be sure to stress during the hunt that if they find someone else’s egg, they can’t touch it and have to leave it there. The first to find all of their color egg wins.
7. Money Eggs
Try putting money in each egg – penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar, etc. It can be as little or as much money as you want to use. Then they get to keep the money they find in each egg. You can make it a contest to see who finds the most money.
8. Golden Ticket Egg
Another way to spruce up your egg hunt is to put a special prize or “golden ticket” in one or several eggs so they are searching for the special egg(s). You can have them get a special prize if they find the golden ticket or just be the “winner” if they find the egg with the golden ticket.

9. Easter Egg Jenga
If you have Jenga, incorporate this fun game into your egg hunt. Each time they find an egg, they have to go and pull out a Jenga piece. The last player to remove a block without causing the stack to crash wins.
10. Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Put a spin on your egg hunt by creating a scavenger hunt. This is especially fun for the middle school aged participants. In each egg, put a clue that leads them to find the next egg until they get to the final egg for the prize. Depending on how many people you have, you can have them work individually or in teams.
11. Easter Egg Relay Race
Split everyone into 2 teams or 3 or 4 teams if you have a lot of people playing. The first person from each team goes out and finds an egg and brings it back to where the team is located. Then the next person goes and finds an egg and brings it back and so on. The team that finds the most eggs in the end wins.
12. Raffle Ticket Eggs
Lastly, a fun twist to your egg hunt this year could be to include a raffle ticket inside each egg. Then once all the eggs have been found have the kids put one slip/ticket in a bowl or bucket and keep the other one so they can see what numbers they have. Then select a winner (or multiple winners if you choose). The more eggs a kid has, the better chance they have of winning. If you want to give the winner(s) a prize you can. (If you don’t have raffle tickets create one by putting a number on a slip of paper inside the egg. Just make sure to have 2 slips of every number so participants know their numbers as you pull numbers out of a bucket/bowl/hat.)

If you still want to do the classic egg hunt with candy inside each egg kids always love that too. If you always do it inside try hiding eggs outside or vice versa. Another way to spice up this original egg hunt is to put a different kind of candy in each egg, putting bigger or better candy in only a few so they are trying to get specific eggs.
Bonus Tip: Always count how many eggs you have in total before you hide them all. Knowing how many of each color/style can be helpful too if your participants struggle to find all of them. If you are really tricky and worried you won’t remember where all the eggs are write down each egg’s location. Keep it handy during the hunt to give hints, help out, or know if the hunt is over or if there are still more eggs to find.
Final Thoughts on How to Make Your Easter Egg Hunt More Creative
Easter egg hunts are a fun activity to do at an Easter celebration or simply with your family. They can be done outdoors or indoors and made easy or difficult for all ages. Try spicing up your Easter egg hunt this year with one (or more) of these creative egg hunt ideas.
What fun egg hunts or Easter traditions do you do with your family? Reply in the comments below and let me know!
Looking for more fun and easy things for your kids to do? Check out this article: 50 Fun Kid Activities That Burn Energy.
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