I know it is hard to believe it, but the end of the school year is getting close. The next few weeks are going to fly by, and the last day of school will be here before we know it. The end of the school year can be crazy busy between programs, banquets, concerts, special projects, activities, awards, and field trips. Stay calm, in control and organized with this end of school year checklist.

Add Year-End School Events to the Calendar
The end of the year is a super busy time of year. With events like graduations, field trips, programs, concerts, dances, banquets, etc there is a lot going on. Check school calendars, school communications/newsletters and ask your child about end of the year school events. Then, add all the end of the year events to your calendar so you can plan accordingly and not forget anything. Next, create a mom’s end of the school year to-do list. Add any items that you have to do for an event on your calendar or prepare for your child. Include items you need to purchase, make or bring to an event, and reminders so you do not forget. Lastly, turn in any end of year permission slips or information sheets.
Need a weekly task calendar and schedule to help you plan and stay organized? Grab our Weekly Worksheets Bundle which has everything you need to plan out your week, stay organized, increase productivity, and carryout weekly tasks and duties for your family and yourself. Click here and get it FREE for a limited time!
Confirm Enrollment For Next Year
Second on the year-end school checklist for parents is to confirm your child’s enrollment for next school year. Some schools require re-enrollment for each school year to keep your seat. Be sure to complete that paperwork so your child does not lose their spot. If you need to register for next year or attend summer registration, ask when that date is so you can add it to your calendar.
Apply for Financial Aid or Scholarships
If you attend a private school, you may need to fill out financial aid paperwork or other financial paperwork to pay for school the following year. Ask if there are scholarships available or other tuition assistance and how to apply for those.

If Your Child Is Attending a New School Take a Tour
Take a tour of the school if your child is going to a new school in the same district (middle school, JR high, high school). Also, ask any questions you may have.
If you are going to a brand new school district next year, complete the following:
- Request a school schedule (daily & yearly), handbook, and school tour
- Ask about and purchase any school uniform materials
- Inquire about school meals, transportation and child care if needed
For more details on how to prepare for a new school click HERE.
Request a Teacher for Next Year
If you have strong feelings on a teacher you would prefer your child to have next school year make that request now. Teachers and administrators are working on next year’s class lists before the school year is over, so get your request in early.
Confirm Details For Next School Year
The next item on the year-end checklist for moms is before the school staff leaves for the summer, check on any changes or things you should know for next school year.
Ask for next year school’s supply list or when that will be available and plan to shop early. If you shop early you have the biggest selection and can get some great deals on supplies.
If you select your own classes make sure that is all taken care of and any details that go with it. Confirm your schedule for next year.
Keep Your Kids Focused & Motivated Through the Last Day
It is easy to get lackadaisical and lazy at the end of year when you only have a few days left of school. However, this is one of the most important times of the year and crucial to finish strong. With so many events, projects due, tests, and more it can be busy, but encourage your child to stay focused and give their best effort at school until the very last day. Stick to your child’s regular routines and schedules as much as possible including making sure they are getting enough sleep, healthy meals, and drinking enough water. Ask about their year-end projects, papers, and tests to help hold them accountable. If your child is showing signs of stress (irritability, not eating or sleeping), speak with your child about ways to deal with anxiety and pressure.

Ask About Summer Learning Opportunities
Inquire about summer learning opportunities for your child. If they need extra work in a specific subject or area ask about summer school or other organized learning opportunities. Ask what you can do at home over the summer to “stay sharp”. These things may include reading each day, doing worksheets, doing a learning app or educational games on the computer. For more information on how to prepare your child for school click here.
Return All School Property
Next on the list to close out the school year is to return anything that you borrowed or that belongs to the school before the year ends so you do not get charged a fee. Here is a list of items to find and return to school:
- Library books
- Text books
- Supplies
- Tech equipment (iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, speakers, headphones, etc)
- Uniforms
In addition, pay any outstanding fees you have with the school.
Pick Up End of Year Materials
Often at the end of the year there are things to take home from school or pick up from the school. These items may include the following:
- Year books or picture books
- End of year shirts
- Report card
- Test scores
- Special awards
- Artwork
- Left over supplies
Thank the Appropriate School Staff
A fun part of closing out the school year is to reflect on the past 9 months and how your child has grown and changed. Likely there are a few school staff members who worked with your child each day or regularly that had a hand in this growth. Thank staff personally or provide a thank you to your child’s teachers, main office, principal, and/or any other school personnel who helped or had an impact on you or your child this school year.
Go Through All School Supplies & Items Brought Home
One of the most important tasks to close out the school year is to go though every single thing that is brought home from school. Likely your child will be bringing home a lot of items in the final days. Put everything together in one area or pile and after the final day take some time to go through every single thing. Make sure to go through backpacks, lunch bags, locker items, activity equipment, folders, paperwork, leftover supplies, etc.

As you sort through items make 3 piles. One pile should be of things you will use again or bring back to school next year. Check leftover supplies and you may be able to save money on school supplies by using items in good shape over again. Put everything in 1 bag and label it with “school stuff for next year” and put in the basement or a closet, but not too far away as next school year will be here before you know it. The next pile should be things you want to keep, put in a scrapbook, hang on the wall, put on the fridge, etc. The last pile is the trash pile – everything that needs to be junked.
Pro Tip: You don’t need to keep every piece of artwork, A+ paper, or memento. Pick a few highlights, big things, items that really showcase your child, who they were that year, and what they accomplished.
For more details and easy ways to organize and store kids school stuff click HERE.
Look Through School Uniforms & School Clothes
After the school year is over is a good time to go through your child’s closet and dresser. While this year is still fresh in your mind, take inventory of your child’s clothes and sizes so you know what you have and what you may need to buy for next year.
Go through school uniforms, school clothes, socks, shoes, accessories – everything, and make 4 piles. The first pile should be items that fit, look good and you will continue to wear. Next, the 2nd pile should be clothes that still fit, but maybe aren’t in the best condition for school. They are going to be items to wear around the house, or when you need old clothes to play outside in or do dirty/messy things. The 3rd pile should be any items that are too small or that you don’t wear anymore, but they are in good condition. These items can be donated or given to someone else. The last pile should be items you need to toss because they have holes in them, are too worn down or broken.
Have a Family Celebration
An important task on the year-end checklist is taking some time to celebrate your child completing the school year and all they have accomplished through the year. Highlight some specific achievements in school with report cards and things they can do now that they couldn’t when the year started. If your child didn’t have the best report card, talk about the progress that they made and make goals and plans to do better next year.
Finish Any School Year Scrapbooks or Picture Books
Finally, while this school year is fresh on your mind, complete any scrapbooks or picture books you do for your child. If you don’t have time to work on them right now with the hustle and bustle of the end of the year and summer starting, take good notes for what to do and include when you work on them later and put a reminder on your task calendar or in your phone to complete them.

Final Thoughts on Your Year-End School To-Do List
The end of the school year is fun and exciting, but can also be busy, stressful and overwhelming. Stay on top of everything going on at the end of the school year with this simple checklist.
So to recap, here are 15 tips to successfully close out the school year:
- Add year-end school events to the calendar
- Confirm enrollment for next year
- Apply for financial aid or scholarships
- If your child is attending a new school take a tour
- Request a teacher for next year
- Confirm details for next school year
- Keep your kids focused & motivated through the last day
- Ask about summer learning opportunities
- Return all school property & pay outstanding fees
- Pick up end of year materials
- Thank the appropriate school staff
- Go through all school supplies & items brought home
- Look through school uniforms & school clothes
- Have a family celebration
- Finish any school year scrapbooks or picture books
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