As a mom you have to be prepared for all situations at anytime day or night, at home or when you are not at home. This includes your kids, spouse, pet, etc as whether they say it or not – they rely on you to do so. Isn’t this the truth!
A purse is generally something you have with you all the time so it is a good place to keep these essential items. This is why women carry such large bags:).
Essential Things to Keep in Your Purse
- Wallet (credit cards/debit cards, money, change)
- Cell phone
- Ibuprofen
- Tylenol
- Specific medications
- Hand sanitizer
- Floss
- Pens (2)
- Small notepad
- Small scissors
- Kleenex
- Breath mints
- Gum
- Chapstick/lip gloss
- Make up
- Small mirror
- Stain remover pen
- Screen wipe
- Nail clippers
- Glasses
- Sunglasses
- Gift cards for stores and restaurants
- Coupon book
- Checkbook
- Sports schedules
- Small first aid kit (bandaids, alcohol wipe, first aid cream)
- Diaper and small pack of wipes (if you have a baby)
- Copy of car insurance
- Special ID (I keep my school ID as can get discounts at stores/restaurants)
- Membership cards (I keep our children’s museum card in my purse so when we go I don’t forget it)
This is a general list of essential items to keep in your purse. You may have several you don’t use or something you need in your purse that is not on this list. Your purse of course needs to be customized for you!
Furthermore, think about using your purse to save money. Bring your own items that fit in your purse to places you can (some places have no carry in policies so check that in advance) versus paying way more to buy the same item at the event. For instance, bring your own water shopping or to a sporting event vs having to buy it. Bring your own glow sticks to a fireworks show vs paying triple to buy them there.
Cleaning Out Your Purse

It feels like we are always throwing stuff in our purse so we need to take the time to clean it out too. I hate having garbage in my purse or making it heavier than it needs to be. Also, a purse needs to be reorganized at times. Don’t you hate it when you reach in a certain pocket for something and it is not there? This happens to me all the time with my chapstick. I use it but don’t put it back in the right spot. Then the next time I need it I end up wasting time digging through my purse first to find it.
I save this task of cleaning out and reorganizing my purse for one of two places:
- Whenever my husband drives us somewhere and I get to ride one of first things I do is clean out and organize my purse.
- When I am waiting at the doctor or dentist or for an appointment I clean out my purse. What is handy about doing it here is there is usually a garbage in the waiting room so I can throw everything away here.
Then we need to make sure our purse is stocked at all times. If you use something up, make sure to replace it. If I use the last of something I will put a reminder in my phone for when I get home to restock that item in my purse. Sometimes I don’t realize I am missing an item until I clean it out. So I write a reminder then.
When it is Time to Get a New Purse
After a couple years a purse gets grungy and you have to replace it. When you are shopping for a new purse, do not just look at the outside of it and color. Check out the inside, the compartments, and think about if it will hold the essentials items you carry. Will it be practical for you to use? There is nothing worse than buying a purse and realizing after you use it that it won’t work for you.
Don’t forget to bring your purse along with you wherever you go! It is jam packed with all types of essential items that you or others in your family may need at anytime. The essential items you keep in your purse may change with your age, but no doubt the need of your purse will not.
Love the list and ideas!! Thanks