Do you ever find you could use a scissors and there are none around? You end up having to run to the other side of the house to go get one. Then you might leave it there and forget where you left it the next time you need it. Does this sound familiar?

For as often as we use a scissors it is worth buying a few extra to keep in certain places around our house. This saves us time from chasing around the house to retrieve one. It doesn’t have to be a big heavy duty scissors. A small child scissors actually works better with some places as it is easier to store.
7 Places Around the House to Keep a Scissors
- Kitchen: There are actually special scissors made for the kitchen. Besides using to open food packages it can be used to cut certain foods. I use my kitchen scissors all the time.
- Master Bathroom: I keep a scissors in my bathroom to open toiletries and cut tags off new clothes, socks, and shoes.
- Office/drop zone/desk: This is a common place where people keep a scissors. It can be used for basic office use and anything and everything. I also use this scissors for when I wrap gifts.
- Inside a purse: I just started keeping a scissors in my purse a couple years ago and it was been a life saver. For example, we have been at a restaurant and I needed it to open a food item. In another instance I used it to open a toy at the park. Furthermore, I have used it numerous places to cut those nagging strings off my or my families’ clothes. I have lent it out to many others that were in need of a scissors as well.
- Baby’s room/kids room: As long as you have a safe place to keep it where kids don’t have access I have found to use a scissors on this room pretty often. I mainly use it to open new clothes and cut off tags or open new toys.
- Laundry room: Often there are strings on clothes from stitching coming loose and it is easier to quick cut off the string there instead of doing it while wearing it.
- Along in my toiletries bag when traveling: So often we have needed a scissors in the hotel room for many of the same reasons listed above. Just because we aren’t at home doesn’t mean we still don’t need a scissors.
A scissors is not the only supply used in multiple areas of your house. You may have other office supplies you use regularly in areas of your home. So keep a little office kit in these specific areas instead of being frustrated when you need to quick do something, but don’t have the supplies.
These are great ideas. My scissors are constantly disappearing! I will try some of your tips! Thanks!